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- Bulldog bracelet
- Favor box with crystal element
- Wedding favor with lace, white ribbon and pomegranate
- Natural canvas favor box with electric ribbon and blue horse
- Favor bag with polka dot ribbon and bell Marie (The Aristocats)
- Fuchsia favor box with polka dot ribbon
- Favor bag in light blue polka dots and with electric ribbon
- Beige favor bag with polka dot ribbon and gold crown
- Natural canvas favor box with crystal element
- Favor bag with stars and a wand
- Martyrdom bracelet with cross and hematite star (10pcs)
- Martyrdom bracelet with cross and hematite star (10pcs)
- Favor with white ribbon and a car-bell
- Natural canvas favor box
- Favor with white ribbon and white bead
- Green candy bag with white ribbon and star
- Favor box with pink bow and bell Marie (The Aristocats)
- Blue favor bag with blue ribbon
- Favor box with blue polka dot fabric and electric ribbon
- Favor bag with swans and pink-polka dot ribbon
- Necklace with glass element
- Favor box with glass image of the Virgin Mary and electric ribbon
- Favor box with pink ribbon and dog
- Favor box with lace ribbon
- Favor box with lace and lace ribbon
- Mr & Mrs favor bag
- Green bean favor with dog rubber band
- Favor bag with stars
- Favor box with a dog
- Pink double fabric favor box with polka dot bow
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- Green favor box with Tinkerbell and lace ribbon
- Favor bag with white ribbon and star
- Flamingo favor box with polka dot ribbon
- Favor box-piggy bank house with polka dot ribbon
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- Necklace with gold-plated fishtail element and green open crystals
- Necklace with gold-plated fish and corals
- Necklace with steel chain and steel pearl element
- Necklace with steel chain and green pearls
- Necklace with gold-plated shells and glass stones
- Necklace with crystals and a tooth in light purple color
- Bracelet with lava stones and hematite beads with patterns
- Bracelet with silver plated shell and colorful glass stones
- Bracelet with silver plated shell, crystals and fish
- Bracelet with colorful glass stones and howlite elephants
- Necklace with beads and glass shell
- Cord with elephants and crystals
- Cord with glass stones
- Ankle bracelet with colorful glass stones
- Ankle bracelet with hematite arrows in white color
- Bracelet with arrow-shaped hematite stones
- Bracelet with heart-shaped tooth beads and pearls
- Set of 2 bracelets with glass stones and moonstones
- Bracelet with green glass stones and moonstones
- Bracelet with red glass stones and moonstones
- Necklace with glass stones and large gold-plated shell
- Steel nails for fans and balloons